
This One Word Foretells the End of Your Relationship

Learn about the psychology behind language and how to save your relationship on time.

Sophia Lee
Any Writers
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2021


Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

Many signs of an ending relationship occur within the last weeks when it’s all too late. However, the increased usage of one word occurs early enough to give you time to salvage it, so save your relationship before it’s too late!

The usual signs of a doomed relationship and why they’re unreliable

These are the three most common signs of a failing relationship named by self-proclaimed “experts”:

  • Less time spent together
  • Less effort on dates
  • Less sex

Can you spot what all of these factors have in common? They are conscious behaviors, which means someone can repress them. If you don’t love your partner but want to keep using them or suffer from a fear of loss, you will try your best not to show them to keep the relationship intact.

It is a conscious decision whether or not to see someone, whether or not to make an effort, and most of the time, whether or not to sleep with your partner.

Language, however, is largely unconscious and reveals a lot more about someone’s feelings. We don’t think about every single word that leaves our mouths beforehand. We don’t think about the influence of seemingly unimportant statements. We don’t take into account what can be interpreted in our words.

Therefore, the general language of your partner reflects their desire to leave the relationship as soon as it begins forming in their head.

Photo by Adam Solomon on Unsplash

The word that reveals it all

When you enter a relationship, they say “We become us”. When a relationship goes into its ending phase, it is the other way around.

“I” will be used as a substitute for “we”.

For example: “I will go on vacation to Germany”. It implies that the partner wants to visit Germany alone and spend time without their significant other, even though going on holidays together is considered a typical couple’s activity.

When one partner creates their own future and refrains from including their other half, it is a clear indicator that the relationship will be over within a few months.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

How to save your relationship

As soon as you begin to notice your partner talking about themselves rather than you as a couple, it should ring your alarm bells.

Of course, every relationship is different and has its own, unique issues, so, unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

However, communication and honesty are considered pillars of a relationship for a reason. Sit down and talk with your partner about the issues that cause them to put your relationship on the back burner. Most likely, they will tell you about problems they see between the two of you that you were previously unaware of.

In conclusion, listening to your partner’s language provides important information that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

This allows you to unearth conflicts that your partner didn’t directly address, which could have ended your relationship unnecessarily.

In this case, words speak louder than actions.

